Your eyeglasses or sunglasses are a part of your everyday life and style, whether they’re the newest independent frames or a necessity, they deserve proper care and maintenance. Knowing how to clean and care for your eyewear can extend their lifespan and keep them looking as good as new. Let’s dive into the best practices for eyewear maintenance.

Cleaning Your Lenses: Do’s and Don’ts

Rinsing with Warm Water:

Before cleaning your lenses, be sure to check for any grime or dirt that has accumulated, leaving debris on the lenses can lead to scratches during the cleaning process. To avoid this, rinse your glasses gently under warm water. Avoid hot water, as it can damage certain lens treatments and frame materials. 

Using Lens Cloths:

Microfiber lens cloths are essential for cleaning eyeglasses, coming in many shapes, sizes and brands. When cleaning your lenses, use gentle, circular motions. Keep your lens cloths clean by regularly washing them, avoiding fabric softeners that can leave a residue.

    Avoiding Scrubbing:

    Gentle cleaning is key to preserving the lenses. Aggressive scrubbing can cause micro-scratches that accumulate over time, reducing clarity. When cleaning, support the frame from the bridge or sides to distribute pressure evenly, minimizing the risk of bending or misalignment.

      Steering Clear of Harsh Chemicals:

      Only use cleaning solutions specifically designed for eyewear. Regular household cleaners often contain harsh chemicals like ammonia or bleach, which can strip protective coatings and damage lens materials. Specialized eyewear cleaners are formulated to be gentle on various lens coatings while effectively cleaning them. 

        Using Cleaning Solutions:

        For stubborn dirt and grime, opt for a cleaning solution made for glasses. Apply a small amount to each lens and gently wipe away with a lens cloth. This method is particularly effective for removing oily residues or fingerprints.

          Additional Care Tips


          Storing Eyewear Properly:

          Always store your glasses in a protective case, especially when placing them in a bag, purse, or suitcase. This prevents scratches, dust accumulation, and potential damage from impact or pressure.

            Avoiding Common Mistakes:

            Never wear your glasses to bed, as this can easily bend or break the frames. Additionally, avoid setting your glasses down with the lenses touching the surface, as this is a common way to get scratches.

              Special Considerations for Different Types of Lenses

              Coated Lenses:

              Lenses with anti-reflective, anti-scratch, or other coatings require extra care. Avoid using alcohol-based cleaners as they can damage the coatings. Instead, opt for a gentle, alcohol-free solution and use a soft, clean cloth.

                Polarized or Photochromic Lenses:

                These lenses are sensitive to extreme temperatures and harsh chemicals. Avoid using hot water, which can damage the lens treatments. When cleaning, use a mild, lens-safe solution and a soft cloth to prevent damage to the specialized coatings.


                  Taking care of your eyewear is a blend of gentle handling, proper cleaning, and smart storing. By following these guidelines, you can maintain the clarity of your lenses, the shape of your frames, and the overall effectiveness of your glasses. Remember, the way you treat your eyewear can significantly impact its lifespan and performance, so give your glasses the care they deserve!