Hey, I’m Will Benjamin

Hey, I’m Will Benjamin

I'm an advocate for independent eyewear and one of the driving forces behind Project Spex. With a passion for unique, collectible, and limited-edition eyewear, I aim to inspire people to build their own collections through Project Spex, while supporting the success of independent opticals.
What to Know When Adjusting to a New Prescription

What to Know When Adjusting to a New Prescription

Why Does It Take Time to Adjust to a New Prescription?   When you receive a new prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses, your eyes and brain need time to adapt to the changes in vision. Even a small adjustment in lens power or switching to a different lens...

What Are The Different Types of Eyeglass Lenses?

What Are The Different Types of Eyeglass Lenses?

What Are Single Vision Lenses? Single vision lenses are designed to correct vision at one specific distance. They have a uniform lens power throughout, which makes them suitable for people who only need correction for either near vision, intermediate vision, or...

What Are Lens Coatings, Tints and Treatments?

What Are Lens Coatings, Tints and Treatments?

When choosing a new pair of glasses, it’s helpful to understand the different lens coatings and treatments available. Lens coatings are applied to the surfaces of eyeglass lenses to enhance visual performance, comfort, and appearance. These enhancements can greatly...

How Does The Human Eye Work?

How Does The Human Eye Work?

What Are The Different Parts of Your Eye? The human eye is made up of many different parts that work together to create the sense of sight. The major components include the cornea, lens, iris, pupil, retina, and optic nerve.   Cornea: The cornea is the...




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